In My Mailbox Nov. 2-7

This is the first time in weeks I have received a book. It’s at a fitting time too because now I took my SAT yesterday, so I will finally have time to update more. 🙂 In My Mailbox was created by The Story Siren.

The Apprentice’s Masterpiece – Melanie Little

A young adult novel set in 14th-century Spain, tells the story of a family with a secret at a time when the Inquisition brings intolerance and torture. Written in elegant free verse this is a dramatic story set in a troubling time.

5 Responses to In My Mailbox Nov. 2-7

  1. What an interesting cover! Sounds good too. Happy reading!

  2. Emily says:

    That’s a time period I’ve never read before. How cool!

  3. Emily says:

    Sounds like an interesting book- I love books from that time period but it’s hard to find good ones that hold my interest. Glad the SATs are over for you too!

  4. Rebecca says:

    Sounds like an interesting book. I may check it out some time. Enjoy.

  5. Josette says:

    Nice cover! Yeah, I’d love to read it someday too. Enjoy your book! 🙂

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