Michelle Moran Contest

I am hosting another contest for my fellow readers! This time it’s for a hardcover copy of Cleopatra’s Daughter and a paperback copy of The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. Below, I have the book trailer for The Cleopatra’s Daughter.

To enter, tell me your favorite historical figure. The deadline to enter is September 18 25, and the contest is international. 🙂

9 Responses to Michelle Moran Contest

  1. Wanda says:

    My favourite historical figure is Abraham Lincoln.

  2. Kate says:

    My favorite historical figure is Anne Boleyn. I love anything to do with the Tudor family.


  3. […] Sept. 8-11 In My Mailbox was created by Kristi of The Story Siren. Also, be sure to enter my Michelle Moran contest. […]

  4. Mariah says:

    My favorite historical figure is Elizabeth the 1st because like Kate I love anything to do with the Tudors!


  5. […] Contest UPDATE I just wanted to let everyone know that I have extended the deadline for the Michelle Moran contest. The new deadline is September 25, so if you have not entered, check it out. Possibly related […]

  6. Debbie F says:

    Please include me! My fav historical figure is Cleopatra!


  7. Charity says:

    Hmmm, favorite historical figure? Wow. Probably Cleopatra. I’ve never really thought about it. 🙂

    Please enter me in the contest. 🙂

    keeponbooking AT live DOT com

  8. Christine W says:

    My favorite historical figure is Joan of Arc.

    Please enter me into this contest. I would really love to win a copy of Cleopatra’s Daughter and of The Heretic Queen. What a dream win it would be!

  9. Josette says:

    Wow, a Michelle Moran giveaway! Please count me in. 🙂 I’ve mentioned your contest here.

    My favourite historical figure is Anne Boleyn. Ever since I watched The Tudors, I’ve been fascinated by her character.

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