In My Mailbox Nov. 9-14

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi of The Story Siren.

Little Black Lies – Tish Cohen

Sara Black is tiptoeing across a fraying tightrope.

As the new eleventh grader at Anton High–the most elite public school in the country–she sticks out like an old VW bus in a parking lot full of shiny BMWs. But being the new kid also brings a certain advantageous anonymity.

In Anton High’s world of privilege, intelligence, and wealth, Sara can escape her family’s tarnished past and become whomever she wants.

And what’s the harm in telling a few little black lies when it can lead to popularity? That is, until another it girl at Anton becomes jealous of Sara’s social climbing.

With her balance evaporating, one small push could bring Sara crashing down.

The Espressologist – Kristina Springer

What’s your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you’re lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps it’s a small decaf soy sugar-free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie. Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Like her best friend, Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Jane’s Espressology, he makes it an in-store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?

5 Responses to In My Mailbox Nov. 9-14

  1. Casey says:

    great books! can’t wait to read Little Black Lies. Enjoy and Happy Reading!

  2. Deltay says:

    Both look like fun reads, hope they’re awesome!

  3. Marjolein says:

    great books you’ve got, enjoy reading!

  4. oh nice! love the espressologist cover! need to read dirty little lies! hope you enjoy them both! happy reading!

  5. Rebecca says:

    Great books. They both look really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

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